Hair Loss and You

Hair loss can be very debilitating for both men and women of all ages, and at Emma Coleman Skin we offer a range of solutions to hair thinning.

Hair loss can be temporary or permanent, and it has many causes—heredity, chronic illness, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiency, and even certain hair products can thin the hair over time.

One type of loss which we see a lot of in clinic, is  telogen effluvium, or TE, as it’s often called. This is sudden and can be dramatic. It’s caused by all kinds of intense physical or emotional stress, which can push as much as 70%  of your hair into the “telogen” phase of its growth cycle, which halts those strands’ growth and disconnects them from their blood supply in order to conserve resources for more essential bodily processes. Post-pandemic, TE was a common presentation at the clinic, as people dealt with family, work and money pressures.

The good news is that TE is reversible with the right treatment. Emma Coleman has an NHS background in dermatology nursing, and offers consultations and treatment programmes to help you get your hair growth back on track. 


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