Scars on the face and body can be upsetting, often profoundly affecting how a person feels about their appearance. I specialise in scar reduction through a range of approaches.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions |
What are scars?Scars on the face and body can be upsetting, often profoundly affecting how a person feels about their appearance. They occur as part of the skin’s natural healing process and are composed of fibrous tissue. They appear different and stand out from surrounding skin as they are often shiny, raised, red or white in colour. After initial injury to the skin, a scar takes approximately 6 months to form and heal, and for this reason I do not recommend treatment as soon as a scar forms.
What type of scar do I have?Acne scars often start out as red marks where breakouts have been, then develop to form ice pick, rolling, boxcar, atrophic or hypertrophic scars. Avoiding picking and squeezing spots helps to prevent scars.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often occurs on darker skin types, usually as a result of skin injury or acne healing. Very dark purple or brown patches may form which do not fade without treatment.
Keloid scars are smooth, form, hard growths arising soon after an injury and are very prominent compared to normal scars. Their exact cause is unknown, although darker skin types are more prone to keloids. Will my Skin Ever Be Clear?I specialise in scar reduction through a range of approaches, and each case is unique. Following an initial consultation I formulate an appropriate treatment plan. Which Treatments Will Help Me?All scars are unique and have to be treated at the right time, with the correct input. Following an initial consultation, I am able to create a plan for your particular issue, including advice and treatment which may include topical creams, microneedling, IPL skin rejuvenation therapy, cryotherapy or steroid injections.
Book your initial dermatology consultation.
Prices:Holistic Elements Skin Consultation and Personalised Plan: £65 GP Letter: £38 Initial Private Prescription: £85 Follow Up Consultation and Prescription: £75 |