The Bee Propolis Facial

Queen Camilla enjoys the benefits of bee extracts in her beauty treatments and we are excited to introduce you to our Bee Propolis Facial.
Experience the benefits of Bee Propolis, a natural hive by-product enriched with ceramides and antioxidants including vitamins A, C and E, as well as having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Our Bee Propolis Facial is combined with Dermalux LED light and is the perfect choice for age prevention, acne-prone and sensitive skin. Each facial includes a recuperating massage and skin will appear brighter, more even toned, hydrated and soft.
Timing: 60 minutes
Bee Propolis Facial with LED Light 175
If you're not sure if this treatment is best for your needs, book an Aesthetic Consultation and we'll work out the best treatment plan for