IPL & ND YAG Laser for Hyperpigmentation

IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin
IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin
IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin


  • Book your appointment online today (£50 deposit required.)

    If you're not sure if this treatment is best for your needs, book an Aesthetic Consultation and we'll work out the best treatment plan for you. 

  • Intense Pulsed Light and ND YAG Laser use different wavelengths of light and can be safely and effectively used to target excessive melanin in the skin, breaking up bonds between the cells to lighten the patches and disperse the clusters over time. 

    Most cases require 3 to 6 sessions of IPL or Laser, as each session builds on the results of the previous one, giving longer lasting effects and preventing recurrence of the original melasma or hyperpigmentation. The skin takes around 4 weeks to rejuvenate between each treatment, as skin cell renewal occurs every 28 days, so typically treatments are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. 

  • Trials have shown that clients are likely to see a 25%  improvement of their pigmentation after 5 sessions. 


  • Treatment duration:
    30 to 50 minutes

    £120 per session, or £365 for 4 sessions

IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin
IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin
IPL for Hyperpigmentation - Emma Coleman Skin